Members’ Gallery – click on an item to enlarge it
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Hillary Archer
Margrethe Babb
David Ball
David Ball (2)
Sue Bowery ‘Along the Valley’
Sue Bowery ‘Thrift Cottage’
Joy Dickens Autumn colour
Joy Dickens. Held together with string
Joy Dickens Shatterford
Joy Dickens Sound of the sea
Gill Evans ‘yellow boat’
Neal Griffin (2)
Neal Griffin (3)
Neal Griffin (4)
Neal Griffin
William Handley-Garland ‘Bagnall Locomotive Wendy’
William Handley-Garland ‘Teamwork’
Kay LePoidevin ‘Maiden Castle, Dorset’
Kay LePoidevin ‘Net Huts, Brighton’
Ruth Lewis ‘Beach running’
Ruth Lewis ‘The Allotment’
Ruth Lewis ‘Daisies & Butterflies’
Ron Moody ‘The Iron Duke’
Ron Moody ‘Fields of Gold’
Ron Moody ‘London Skyline #3’
Ron Moody ‘Southampton’
Jenny Morgan ‘Poppy and Dolly’
Jenny Morgan
Jenny Morgan (2)
Alison Perks ‘Mandarin Duck’
Alison Perks ‘Great crested grebe’
Alison Perks ‘Kestrel’
John Randall ‘Fun Of The Fair’
John Randall ‘Kestrel’
John Randall ‘HarvestTime’
John Randall ‘Starlight Horse’
John Randall ‘Norton Racer’
John Randall ‘Primrose’
Paul Ryan
Paul Ryan (2)
Paul Ryan (3)
Paul Ryan (4)
Peter Spalding ‘Euclid Tipper Truck’
Peter Spalding ‘Dunnottar Castle’
Peter Spalding ‘Newlands Valley, Cumbria’
Jane Spring
Jane Spring (2)
Lesley Walker
Andrea Webber ‘Giraffe’
Andrea Webber ‘New Stag’
Andrea Webber ‘Pishie’