Category Archives: Workshop BLOG

Aylsa Williams Linocut workshop

On Saturday, just 6 of us took part in a Linocut workshop. Aylsa was providing everything would need so all we need to do was turn up with an apron and our sandwiches.

We arrived at the gallery to find everything laid out ready for us and quickly set too on deciding our designs. Aylsa talked us through the process of transferring them to lino and how to cut while keeping our fingers safe. Around mid day, the room fell quite as we were all busy carving into lino. It is really very satisfying. Trying to get the carving cuts lined up in case we get chatter once the ink was applied was absorbing.

Shortly before 2pm we were ready to start the very messy business of printing. Sticky ink is daubed onto an acrylic sheet, worked and mixed with a palette knife, applied to the roller and then to the lino itself. Then, with clean hands, the lino is placed into the press, a clean piece of paper laid carefully on top and the press closed. Then the best bit, opening the press and peeling back the paper to reveal the print. There was quickly a queue at the press as we all tried different colour ways, cleaned off the lino for additional cuts and tweaks and tried out different sorts of paper.

Everyone had a marvellous day with such different but all successful designs. Linocut is a fabulous art form and I, for one, will certainly be trying it again.

Stephen Foster Workshop – 21st January, 2023

On Saturday we had a packed house for the Stephen Foster Workshop, 14 artists and one dog assembled to learn how to paint expressive abstract landscapes with only a palette knife. Stephen started the day with a short demo of a beach scene and how to paint believable people onto the beach, again with just a knife.

Then it was our turn and lots of colour and fun ensued. Here are the results of the students work

Ron Moody Workshop Review

On Saturday 29th October, 12 of us joined Ron Moody in the Gallery for a day of painting Romsey Square in pen and watercolour.

Ron had prepared a sketch and sent it out beforehand so we were off to an excellent start. During the day, Ron took us through stage by stage each of the steps he follows to create his vibrant paintings.

At the end of the day we all had nearly finished works of art to take home and instructions for the last steps necessary to give it that final magic.

A fun day and lots learned about the mysteries of watercolour.

Here is a gallery of the students work: