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We are a group of painters, potters and sculptors from around the historic town of Romsey in Hampshire’s beautiful Test Valley.

With a membership of around 200, including both amateur and professional artists, we have the benefit of leasing our own building, the Mountbatten Gallery, which serves as the base for our busy programme of demonstrations, courses, open studios and exhibitions.

Mountbatten Gallery

We hold two main exhibitions each year – Spring and Autumn – which each run for two weeks. Visitors can enjoy viewing several hundred original items of paintings, ceramics and sculptures, the majority of which are for sale.

Occasionally we hold special themed exhibitions in the summer as well as our very popular Art@Work weekend, usually in March each year.

We have also for many years participated in the annual Romsey Show. Both these events give visitors the opportunity to watch artists at work, ask questions, maybe commission original pieces and even find out how to join our dynamic Group.

The What’s On page gives full details of dates and times of our events. 

Find us on: Facebook *Instagram

New members, from novice to professional level, are always welcome. For further information or to enquire about membership please go to the Membership page.

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President: Countess Mountbatten of Burma
Chair: Lindsey Blow – chair@romseyartgroup.org.uk
Secretary: David Snape – secretary@romseyartgroup.org.uk
Treasurer: Pete Blow – treasurer@romseyartgroup.org.uk